Quality standard of biodiesel

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Many countries in the world have formulated standards for biodiesel, so as to ensure the quality of diesel and ensure that users are more confident in using biodiesel.

The international standard for biodiesel is ISO 14214A and ASTM international standard ASTM D 6751, which is adopted by the United States. This standard was legally confirmed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency in 1996 in section 211 (b) of the Clean Air Act.

Another widely recognized standard is the German DIN biodiesel series standard, which is the most detailed and systematic biodiesel standard up to now. The standard system has different DIN standards for different raw materials: rapeseed methyl ester, PME (vegetable methyl ester) biodiesel DIN E 51606 standards for rapeseed and vegetable oil. Diesel oil DIN V 51606 standard for FME (fat methyl ester) mixed with animal fat.

The DIN V 51606 biodiesel standard mainly evaluates the following components: the whole process of production and manufacture, the removal of glycerol, the removal of catalysts, the removal of alcohol, and ensuring that free fatty acids are not contained. Standard evaluation indicators for biodiesel production include specific gravity, dynamic viscosity, flash point, sulfur content, residue, cetane number, ash, moisture, total impurities, triglyceride, free glycerol, etc.

In addition, Austria, Australia, Czech Republic, France, Italy, Sweden and other countries have also developed biodiesel fuel specifications. The EU also promulgated EN14241 biodiesel fuel standard in November 2003.

The standard of biodiesel is greatly promoting the formal application and legalization of biodiesel in the automotive industry of these countries. At the same time, the recognition of biodiesel by a large number of countries is also promoting the internationalization of biodiesel as a new renewable bioenergy.

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