Ethanol vs Biodiesel Energy crisis is a major problem in the present world. Therefore, energy production has been the most commonly discussed topic lately. Energy sources can be divided into two types as renewable energy sources and non-renewable energy sources. Renewable energy sources are replenished continuously, and they are natural. For example, wind, water, … Read More
Biofuels Technology Roadmap
First generation biofuels technologies comprise mainly of fuel ethanol from crops such as corn and sugarcane and biodiesel from crops such as rapeseed and soy. Second generation processes are those that produce energyefficient biofuels that do not compete with the food chain for feedstocks. Secondgeneration processes convert lignocellulosic materials, including agricultural and forest residues such … Read More
Production of Fuel Ethanol
Ethanol is one type of alcohol that has many properties quite similar to those of gasoline. These similarities make ethanol a highly attractive fuel for use as a gasoline substitute or as an alternative fuel for blending. The densities of ethanol and gasoline are almost identical although the energy content of ethanol is about 30% … Read More
What Are Biofuels?
Biofuels are fuels derived from biomass. Biomass is organic matter taken from or produced by plants and animals. It comprises mainly wood, agricultural crops and products, aquatic plants, forestry products, wastes and residues, and animal wastes. In its most general meaning, biofuels are all types of solid, gaseous and liquid fuels that can be derived … Read More
Why We Choose Biofuels?
Biofuels are a proven alternative to oil for transportation. Thirty percent of American fuel is already enriched with ethanol (it improves performance and reduces tailpipe emissions), and biodiesel is the fastest growing alternative fuel. The four branches of the U.S. military run their vehicles on 20% biodiesel blends (B20) at installations around the country, and … Read More
What are renewable fuels?
Renewable fuels, or “biofuels” like ethanol and biodiesel, are liquid transportation fuels made from agricultural crops like corn and soybeans. Ethanol is a clean-burning gasoline-type fuel made by fermenting grain or sugar cane into alcohol. Biodiesel is created from oil seeds (like soybeans) and waste materials like restaurant grease(how to make biodiesel? Contact us!). Both … Read More